Visitors Coverage

Finally, studies in the 48 “colleges” of Quebec are almost free for the French, because of an agreement with the State (while they cost up to 20 000 dollars per year for other international students), in order to maintain the French language.

Visitors Coverage Winter Banners Version 1

At the Mondial des métiers in Lyon, Quebec institutions are trying to attract young French people, particularly in their professional post-baccalaureate programs. Their selling point: the “guaranteed” job at the exit.

Visitors Coverage

Quebec hunting French students

They are six high school students, aged 15 and 16, to jostle at the stand of Montreal International, the economic development agency responsible for attracting young people to Quebec. At the Mondial des métiers, it is not a question of attracting students to major universities in Montreal – University of Montreal, McGill University … – but especially to general and vocational colleges (Cégep), institutions offering courses post-bac a bit like the IUT model. Nearby institutions, Cégep, which receive more and more foreign students, allow to integrate, after two or three years of study, the labor market, or to branch off to university.

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“France has so many children! She can give us some of them. We will take care of it! “ This is the subtitle of message slips Quebec to French school and college students who flock, Thursday, February 7, at WorldSkills , lounge which runs until Sunday, February 10 at Eurexpo, Lyon (Rhone )

Visitors Coverage