In case you haven’t heard, Montreal’s Casino is hosting Vegas Nights for a limited time only! Who ever said you couldn’t bring Vegas to Montreal has obviously never been to Vegas Night! Montreal is very excited about Vegas Night! All the glitz and glam of Las Vegas is finally making its way to Montreal. If you’ve always dreamed of going to Vegas for the shows and entertainment but couldn’t afford it, don’t worry! Casino of Montreal is going all out! They are providing you with the full Vegas experience! In fact, they are making it so big that you’ll forget you’re in Montreal! You’ll almost feel like your in Vegas. We said almost because lets face it, it’s still winter here which isn’t exactly the case in Vegas. So…. here’s all the info you need to know about Vegas Night!
When does it start?
Vegas Night has already started! From January 17th to February 23rd, make sure to go to the Casino to get the full Vegas experience!
Where is it taking place?
Casino de Montreal: 1 Avenue du Casino, Montreal, Qc. H3C 4W7
What’s the minimum age?
Although it’s Vegas Night and in the US you have to be 21 and over to enter the casino, lucky for you you’re in Montreal! So, it’s the same age it’s always been to attend the casino is Montreal, 18+
What can we expect at Vegas Nights?
So much fun! As mentioned, Casino de Montreal is going all out! You can find all the upcoming events and shows on their website, but here’s a taste:

- Money Machine: draws every hour
- Get hitched for fun at the Chapel of Love
- Show Girls: Every Friday and Saturday
- DJ to get you in the party mood: Every Friday and Saturday
- $1 million Grand Prize
- So much more!
Any Special Cocktails?
You read our mind! What’s the point of having Vegas Nights if you can’t drink like you’re in Vegas? Their special cocktail for the occasion: Vegas Hurricane! Best part? You get to keep the glass as a souvenir!
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